Monday, October 27, 2014


     I slept in. Sweet. I'm just bugged by something... a man hitting a woman. There is no excuse for a man to lay their hands on a woman, ever. The first time is just that, the first time. There's more to come
     I have no idea why a woman would go back to, try to mend things after something like that. I wouldn't even talk on the phone, if it was me? I'd have someone beat his ass, bad. Is it a weak woman? A woman who feels like she has to settle? Like you're going to start off with a fight in a relationship then try to act like nothing happened after they did make it a "big deal" to everyone else. Why stir things up if you're just going back to him? How can someone have their kid around that? No fucking way. That'd be a cold day in hell for me.
     Is it because I'm bull headed and know that I would never go back... friends or not. Mend what a new, already broken? I don't put up with shit. I was hit by my son's dad and that lead to him being kicked out of the house that SAME DAY like he should have been! I don't take it lightly.
     I'm mad.... upset... mainly disappointed by a pinky swear that you won't go back.... and you did. Do promises not mean anything anymore?

For fun, I'll rename these people so it's not shoved in their face. How about "Ann" and "Bob". Tuff love.....

     "Ann" came with me to hang out for a bit, smoke some pot and chill.... I get told "I hurt all over, my neck and back". I asked how it happened? She admitted that this douche bag "Bob" hit her. Drug her around by her hair, choking her... Ann screamed for help. "Bob" kept trying to restrain her but hurt her bad, Ann said.... all because of some conversation that could have been dealt with differently. Heated arguments don't give a person permission to hit you.... pull you by your hair down the hall into a bathroom and shoved her head and body into a fucking toilet. What in your mind tells you that it's ok? So screaming and yelling. Good girl for fighting back tho... but.... argh....
     So Ann comes with me to my brothers house and sits there holding her neck and telling everyone she's in pain. Ann was asked by who?? My brother doesn't play games, neither do I. So we are in complete shock that this fucking douche bag "Bob" (that we now all admit we all never liked in the first place) would hit her. The thing I'm having a hard time with is Ann coming over semi hiding it from us all.... but when we all knew, Ann wanted the attention from this I think. First it was "oh you guys, please don't hurt him". Then when we all talked about how so and so would beat his ass, a few people would stick up for her! So this is what bugged me.... acting like please don't hurt him, then the next sentence from Ann, when asked for this guy's number that will knock "Bob" out, she with a big smile on her face... the whole while getting her phone, smiling and happy, so she WOULD GIVE US THE GUYS NUMBER WHO WILL DEFEND HER! So??? We're all confused!

Why would you play both rolls? Attention?  It's 2 things from you dammit! One sentence is:
"Don't hurt him, it's ok, calm down,"
"Yea here's the number for him to get a smack down"

     ANN? WHICH IS IT??? If you take him back and go against your promises? I'm leaving you alone. I don't support people who go back when you know he's bad for you.... only if others close to you knew....
     I don't understand, so "Bob" was off her Facebook page.... we all deleted him... then I go to write on her wall and the first person on her friends list was ohhhh boy... the one and only douche bag fuck. Why take him back?!?!
     So now, Ann, is trying to salvage what's left... whst the fuck? Are you not strong? I don't understand how? why? Would you give him a second of your time? You need to grow a pair "Ann". You're better than that. He's a mooch and has been, on top of hurting you, he's a lazy pig, with no job and complains about your kid? Get thst asshole away FROM YOUR KID! Why would you let him around your child? Wait until it happens again and your kid is there, yea..... think about that.
     I'm disappointed. I thought Ann was a strong woman who won't take crap from no guy. Are you settling? You're beautiful! You can find a guy who won't beat on you. Low self esteem? Ann, I'm trying to understand and figure out what is in your brain thinking you can change him. You can't! Open your fucking eyes dude! Really?
     I need like 3 cigarettes back to back when I talk about him. One of those times is now.

What's battered woman syndrome?
Is that it?

     You do what you do. Crying wolf isn't cool... because when it goes down again, you're not going to be believed? People are not going to want to help you because fuck dude! You'll probably go back anyway so why stir people up? It's silly

     You're better than that. Open your eyes "Ann". He's no good!

Starbucks time.

Screw my very shotty post. I don't feel like spelling right now... nor the paragraph set up. I could see this one tacky chick correcting ne lol. Bite me. I'm not in a bad mood at all.... just upset that this is happening, like I said, disappointed. Good luck.

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